Monday, 13 January 2020

Grey Area

Ever wonder how a visitor from another world might view human activity? Idano is my Extra-terrestrial friend who granted me an interview, and like all my other friends, he's a bit of a dick......

I suppose I'd better explain how I met Idunno. In effect he came to meet me. It was Halloween and a bunch of trick or treaters came to the door. There was an assortment of superheroes, 2 Supermen, 3 Spidermen, a Batman and even a ballerina. It was therefore no surprise to see a kid dressed up as an alien. Not one ghost! They all took their treats and left, except the kid in the alien suit. He was taller than the rest of the kids and I thought he was looking after them or something. Then he pushed past me and went into the house.

At the time all I could think was how lifelike his costume was. The kid I assumed was a lad, he didn't walk like a girl. Come to think of it, he didn't walk like a lad either. It was a gait that suggested he was having a hard time keeping his feet in contact with the floor. He sat down and I was bemused. Just barging his way into my home and plonking his arse down in my chair. There was something odd about him.

I still wasn't sure if it was some kind of LSD flashback, his outfit looked so real. I slapped myself and didn't wake up, maybe if I slap-

His mouth didn't move. It started to dawn on me this might not be a prank even though it was the sort of thing my friends would do to me because it was exactly the sort of thing I would do to them. I had considered the possibility of meeting an alien one day but now I had one here in front of me it wasn't how I expected. Or is it some kind of elaborate joke? I decided it was time to ask a few questions.

And so it went on. I must say I was a little disappointed. When I finally got to meet an alien I didn't expect it to be such a miserable tosser, and what's with the attitude. It was almost as though he was human or something.......